Creating Modules

Modules make up a great portion of OpenSight's functionality. They are special types of classes that can operate on inputs and give outputs. They can be used in a wide variety of ways, such as modifing an image, performing math operations, or communicating with a server.

Here's an example module, which does the following:

  • Has a setting for the radius of the blur (of type integer)
  • Inputs an image (of type Mat)
  • Outputs the blurred image

from dataclasses import dataclass

from opsi.manager.manager_schema import Function
from import Mat, MatBW

__package__ = "opsi.example_module"
__version__ = "0.123"

class Blur(Function):
    class Settings:
        radius: int

    class Inputs:
        img: Mat

    class Outputs:
        img: Mat

    def run(self, inputs):
        img = cvw.blur(inputs.img, self.settings.radius)
        return self.Outputs(img=img)
There are already many useful modules included in OpenSight, but creating your own can add more complexity to your vision pipeline.

The source code for the modules is located under opsi/modules in the OpenSight repo.


Using the cv2 library directly is discouraged. All new OpenCV functionality should go into