
The NetworkTables (NT) module contains nodes used to output data to NetworkTables. NetworkTables is a framework provided by FIRST to easily send data between processors on the robot and to the driver station. These nodes can be found under the opsi-nt tab.

Accessing NetworkTables Values

To access values from NetworkTables, use the following example code snippets for Java and C++. Replace the values key and table based off of the options in the node, and type based off what type of value you are outputting. E.g. boolean, int, double, etc.

Basic accessing of NetworkTables in Java and C++. See the WPILib docs (Java/C++) for more information.




nt::NetworkTableInstance::GetDefault().GetTable("<table>")->Get<Type>("<key>", <default>);

NT Module Add Nodes Image


PutCoordinate Node Image

Takes a coordinate value and outputs it to NetworkTables. These values can be found under the table defined in the path setting, and under the values [key]-x and [key]-y. This node will often follow a FindCenter node to output the center found.


PutNT Node Image

The PutNT node puts a value of any type, not just a coordinate, to NetworkTables. This value can be found under the table defined in the path setting, and under the value defined in the key setting.


We are currently working on a node to retrieve values from NetworkTables. You can view the progress on this branch.